Citigroup, 2nd quarter 2021

Posté le 14 August 2021 | dans 3 Banks

Citigroup’s leverage dropped to 9.64 in 2nd quarter 2021 after the turbulence caused by this coronavirus, which is perfect! Document 1: Amounts in billions of…

JPMorgan Chase & Co. 2nd quarter 2021

Posté le 14 August 2021 | dans 3 Banks

The leverage of JPMorgan, the bank that publicly supports Biden, remains around 10-11, which is not perfect (like Wells Fargo) but acceptable, Document 1: Amounts…

Bank of America, 2nd quarter 2021

Posté le 14 August 2021 | dans 3 Banks

Bank of America has too much debt relative to equity. Its leverage was too high and it increased again compared to previous quarters, Document 1:…

The Fed changed the definition of the M1 monetary aggregate and no longer publishes weekly M1 and M2 data

Posté le 11 August 2021 | dans 4 Monetarism

This is a major issue that nobody is commenting on! It is however the first time since World War II that the Fed decided to…

US monetary aggregates: last data before the unknown

Posté le 01 August 2021 | dans 4 Monetarism

The members of the FOMC have decided to stop publishing weekly data on the M1 and M2-M1 monetary aggregates, as they have been doing for……