to the variation of the free money supply (update, January)" />

The variation of GDP is inversely proportional to the variation of the free money supply (update, January)

Posté le 09 March 2023 | dans 4 Monetarism

When the money supply grows faster than real GDP, i.e. faster than wealth creation, GDP growth falls, and vice versa… ***  Sound money is the…

Inflation: Still no slowdown in sight in the US!

Posté le 09 March 2023 | dans 1 Markets

When a country’s money supply has grown faster than GDP, inflation sets in and when it goes over the limits, the monetary authorities can do…

US inflation is caused by the M2 money bubble (update, January 2023)

Posté le 08 March 2023 | dans 4 Monetarism

The M2 money bubble in the US is huge: more than $7 trillion of unearned money is still sitting unduly in the accounts of Americans……

BNP-Paribas: more than… 30,000 billion euros of derivatives at the end of 2022 and 318 billion of commitments without guarantees!

Posté le 13 February 2023 | dans 3 Banks

BNP-Paribas’ total derivatives amounted to more than… 30,000 billion euros at the end of 2022, which ranks these banksters as the fourth worst bank in…

to May 18" />

Overnight Reverse Repo Program to May 18

Posté le 18 May 2022 | dans 1 Markets, 3 Banks, 4 Monetarism

It’s the big return of the Overnight Reverse Repo Program (ONRRP)! Today, May 18, 91 U.S. banks placed… $1.973 trillion with the Fed overnight so…

Investment Strategy as of May 15, 2022

Posté le 16 May 2022 | dans 1 Markets, 2 Bonds, 3 Banks

The U.S. financial markets are being manipulated by big bank executives and the Fed as evidenced by the sharp rise in stock prices on Friday,…